Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How and when to run the VERSION Application Engine Program

The effect of the VERSION Application Engine program is fairly violent upon the PeopleTools System Tables and as such should be used only in certain, specific instances. Technically speaking, it should only be run when there is reason to believe that the versions in the PSVERSION table are no longer coherent, or when the versions in one of the managed objects tables are out of sync with PSVERSION. Generally speaking it should only be run when indicated by one of the following:
1. The SYSAUDIT report indicates that there are objects out of sync.
2. A GSC analyst recommends its use.
3. The PeopleTools Development Team's recommendation for a specific issue.
4. Following a major PeopleTools upgrade or major application upgrade.
5. An Installation Guide indicates its need.

NOTE: The use of VERSION should NOT be run as matter of standard operating procedure.

Due to some side effects from the Application Designer program (PSIDE.EXE), VERSION must be run only when:
- All Application Designer clients are completely logged out and shut down.
- All Application Servers, Process Schedulers and other PeopleTools clients are completely shut down.
- Many customers choose to restart the database to ensure that this is the case (optional)

If the VERSION program is run incorrectly:
- Performance can be dramatically impacted.

- Application integrity can possibly be affected; simple saving efforts from Application Designer can fail.

Proper Procedure to Run the VERSION Application Enginer Program:
VERSION AE should only be run from a command line:
1. Shutdown all Application Servers, Process Schedulers, and other PeopleTools clients.
2. ***CRITIAL STEP*** Ensure that all Application Designer session are logged out and shut down. If necessary, shutdown and restart the database and its communication software.
3. Establish the proper shell environment. Normally this includes:
- Loging in as your PeopleSoft ID
- Changing to the PSFT bin directory cd $PS_HOME/bin
- Setting the PS_SERVER_CFG environment variable
export PS_SERVER_CFG=$PS_HOME/appserv/prcs//psprcs.cfg
4. Execute the command from a command line:
psae -CD dbname -CT dbtype -CO oprid -CP pswd -R INSTALL -AI VERSION
Note: INSTALL must be a valid run control for oprid
cd $PS_HOME/bin
export PS_SERVER_CFG=/opt/bea/pt848/appserv/prcs/PRCSDOMAIN/psprcs.cfg

5. Issue the following SQL and archive the output to ensure that the program ran (all the versions should be 1).
6. Clear the cache files from the Application Server, Web Servers, Process Schedulers, and Client machines.
7. Restart the system per normal operational procedures. There will be expected performance impact as the system rebuilds its cache files.
8. Over the course of the following days, every 4 hours or so, rerun the SQL from Step #5. You should observe a gradual growth of the versions, typically in the order of dozens per day. The version associated with SYS should always be equal to or greater than all other values in the table.

Should you observe one of the following conditions contact the GSC immediately for further advice:

1. The version value associated with SYS is no longer greater to or equal all other value in the PSVERSION table.
2. Some of the values increase dramatically, on the order of several thousand, and then remain fairly constant. Normal behavior is for the values to increase by increments of 1. One exception would be during the migration of a project with many records. Some values will increase by the number of records migrated.

***As given in PeopleSoft Customer Connection...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Running SQR from Command Line

D:\PT848\bin\sqr\DB2\BINW\sqrw.exe D:\pt848\SQR\infup_file_name.sqr -iD:\pt848\SQR\ -xmb -xcb -ZIFD:\pt848\SQR\pssqr.ini -S -DEBUGX -PRINTER:PD -EH_PDF -fD:\pt848\output_file_name.pdf -oD:\pt848\log_file_name.log

-i => Input file Directory
-f => Output File Name
-o => Log file Name
-ZIF => SQR Initialization File Name

Monday, January 14, 2008

Process Scheduler Run Status

--Run Status-- --- --- --- --- --Value--
Cancel 1
Delete 2
Error 3
Hold 4
Queued 5
Initiated 6
Processing 7
Cancelled 8
Success 9
No Success 10
Posted 11
Not Posted 12
Resend 13
Posting 14
Generate 15

Process Scheduler and Report Manager Issue

Troubleshooting Common Process Scheduler and Report Manager Issues
By David Ratway for

Change Impact Analyzer (PsCIA) Configure Connectivity

Database Type: DB2
Database Name: DB_NAME
DB2 Database Owner: DB_OWNER_ID
Driver: jdbc:db2
Driver Class:
Connection String: jdbc:db2:DB_NAME

Override Connection String Check-box SELECTED

OCI - Attach Block Volume to Windows VM

Tip: Although creating and attaching Block Storage to a Windows VM is pretty straightforward (OCI documentation is pretty good for that), th...