Monday, February 23, 2009
Configuring Report Manager - List/Explorer
Friday, February 13, 2009
COBOL - Configuring instance specific CBLBINs - Contd...
Payroll Interface app engine program PI_INRUN was going into "No Success" with message of COBOL program PIPINRUN abort. To dig out the problem further, I generated the log file by setting RCCBL Redirect=1 in psprcs.cfg. The file PIPINRUN_xxxxxx.err shows that the RemoteCall is looking for the desired cobol in wrong directory ($PS_HOME/cblbin) - not in the correct directory (which is the customized one) $PS_HOME/CBLBIN_INS.
The problem was because of one Remote Call paramter RCCBL PRDBIN which was missing from the psprcs.cfg (I am not sure, but it looks like that - the process scheduler config file in UNIX platform does not include this parameter by default). After entering this paramter (RCCBL PRDBIN=$PS_HOME/CBLBIN_INS) in Remote Call section of psprcs.cfg file and reconfiguring the process scheduler file - problem resolved. This parameter is used only when a Remote Call is made to a COBOL program from AE... for normal COBOL SQL programs, this parameter is not necessary.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Change Assistant
- CA can find out bundles/MPs that have already been applied to a PeopleSoft Database
- CA can figure out Bundles/MPs that need to be applied
- CA can download new bundles/MPs
- CA can determine pre-requisites and post-requisites
- CA can determine the order in which new Bundles/MPs are applied
- CA can migrate bundle/MP project automatically
- CA can generate and execute DDL scripts
- CA can execute Data Mover Scripts
- CA can deploy files such as SQR, COBOL etc to file servers
Environment Management Framework (EMF)
- Environment Management Agent (PSEM Agent): A Java executable. Only one instance of the agent can run at a given time per physical machine. PSEM Agents are setup on each of the servers. Each PSEM Agent initiates communication to the hub (PSEMHUB) and is assigned a unique peer ID.
- Environment Management Hub (PSEMHUB): A web application that is installed at the time of PIA installation and resides at web server machine. It is started automatically at the time web server is booted up. This hub acts as a broker for all communication between peers. It gathers and reports on the environment information sent to it by PSEM Agents.
- Environment Management Viewer (PSEM Viewer): A command line tool that helps users view data that is retrieved from the PSEMHUB.
Before using Change Assistant (CA) for applying bundles/MPs, EMF should be configured and PSEMAgent should be started up on all the servers.
Change Assistant Validation
Web Server Specific: Delete the following directories:
Except data.txt, delete other files from directory $PS_HOME\webserv\peoplesoft\applications\peoplesoft\PSEMHUB\envmetadata\data
Agent Specific: Delete the following directories on Linux machine:
$PS_HOME\PSEMAgent\envmetadata\transactions (If it exists)
Except matcher.xml, delete other files from directory $PS_HOME\PSEMAgent\envmetadata\data
Viewer Specific: Delete the following directories on Linux and NT machines:
$PS_HOME\PSEMViewer\envmetadata\transactions (If it exists)
Change Assistant Specific: Delete the following directories on the machine where Change Assistant being setup:
$PS_HOME\PSEMAgent\envmetadata\transactions (If it exists)
Except matchers.xml, delete other files from directory $PS_HOME\PSEMAgent\envmetadata\data
Now start the PSEMAgent on each of the Application Server and Process Scheduler machines, which includes Linux as well as Windows machines.
Make sure EMAgents are running before using Change Assistant to validate the Environment Management Hub (PSEMHUB)
Change Assistant Setup
To start with, identify an environment that will act as a PSEMHUB.
Configure PSEHMHUB
To start with, identify an environment that will act as a PSEMHUB. In case of a single server configuration for PIA, the PSEMHUB is started whenever we start PIA… and uses the same http post as the PIA.
Let’s say if the PIA URL is: http://ws1_ip:9081/site/signon.html, the hubURL will be http://ws1_ip:9081/PSEMHUB/hub (Format of hubURL is: http://[server_name]:[port]/PSEMHub/hub )
To configure PSEMHUB:
- Go to below directory (of web server machine) $PS_HOME/webserv/DOMAIN_NAME/applications/peoplesoft/PSEMHUB/envmetadata/config
- Edit “configuration.properties” for hubURL, agentport (must be unique) and windowsdrivestocrawl or unixdrivestocrawl.
Configure PSEM Agent
To configure PSEM Agent:
- Go to $PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/envmetadata/config
- Edit “configuration.properties” for hubURL, agentport (must be unique) and windowsdrivestocrawl or unixdrivestocrawl.
Once PSEM Agent is configured, start the PSEM Agents in App Server machine, Process Scheduler Server machine, File Server machine, NT machine where CA is configured:
$PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/StartAgent.sh (in Unix) $PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/StartAgent.cmd (in Windows)
For the first time, start the PSEMAgent with recrawl command - so that it crawls the drives to identify the environment components (all servers):
$ $PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/StartAgent.sh recrawl (in Unix)
$PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/StartAgent.cmd recrawl (in Windows)
After recrawl is done, start PSEMAgent normally.
$ $PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/StartAgent.sh recrawl (in Unix)
$PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/StartAgent.cmd recrawl (in Windows)
Before doing so, you may want to modify the StartAgent.sh file in unix using nohup command - so that EM Agent keeps running even if we exit from unix box… To modify the StartAgent.sh, open it in vi editor and update the last line as:
nohup ../jre/bin/java com.peoplesoft.pt.environmentmanagement.agent.Agent $1 &
Save and exit.
Execute $./StartAgent.sh
Setup Change Assistance
Now, that we have done with the configuration of PSEMHUB and PSEM Agent – next step would be to setup Change Assistance.
Open the Change Assistance, and go to Tools -> Options:
- Select “Apply Application Update” as Change Assistant Mode
- Download directory is where we have downloaded the bundle or MP zip files
- Staging directory is the one which CA will use as a stage - it will extract zip files from Download directory to Staging Location and will use contents in this directory for processing
- Output directory is the one where CA will keep all the output files generated during implementation of a bundle or MP
Go to Tools -> Options -> Environment Management Tab:
- Server Host: enter the IP address of PSEMHUB machine
- Server Port: enter the Port Number at which PSEMHUB is configured
- Click Ping to check the connection
- Click View to see the Environment Management Hub Summary – it shows all the environments name and availability of their server components.
Go to Tools -> Scan Configuration:
Go to Tools -> validate:
Apply Change Packages (Bundles or MPs)
Go to Tools -> Apply Change Package:
- Next screen will show the installed environment found
- Select the target environment here
- Going ahead CA will ask for entering User ID (PeopleSoft User) and Access ID, Apply Directory (Download directory) etc.
- CA will show the list of all the change packages available at the above mentioned download directory as illustrated below
- Next, CA asks for the method to apply DB Build Scripts – I choose Manually option
- Next, CA shows the confirm selection screen where it summarizes to be applied MP or Bundle details
- Click Validate now
- Click Begin Apply
In Progress…
GUID uniquely identifies a database… PSOPTIONS tables stores value for GUID that is set the first time we start an Application Server… If our target database is refreshed by some source database, GUID would need to be reset… We would need to delete the existing value for GUID to blank in PSOPTIONS table – so that new value can be setup for the target database while booting the App Server for the first time.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Oracle Magazine
OCI - Attach Block Volume to Windows VM
Tip: Although creating and attaching Block Storage to a Windows VM is pretty straightforward (OCI documentation is pretty good for that), th...