Friday, February 13, 2009

COBOL - Configuring instance specific CBLBINs - Contd...

In continuation to previous blog: COBOL - Configuring instance specific CBLBINs, I would like to state an interesting problem I encountered with the configuration of instance specific CBLBINs. The problem was with a RemoteCall made to a COBOL program from an App Engine.

Payroll Interface app engine program PI_INRUN was going into "No Success" with message of COBOL program PIPINRUN abort. To dig out the problem further, I generated the log file by setting RCCBL Redirect=1 in psprcs.cfg. The file PIPINRUN_xxxxxx.err shows that the RemoteCall is looking for the desired cobol in wrong directory ($PS_HOME/cblbin) - not in the correct directory (which is the customized one) $PS_HOME/CBLBIN_INS.

The problem was because of one Remote Call paramter RCCBL PRDBIN which was missing from the psprcs.cfg (I am not sure, but it looks like that - the process scheduler config file in UNIX platform does not include this parameter by default). After entering this paramter (RCCBL PRDBIN=$PS_HOME/CBLBIN_INS) in Remote Call section of psprcs.cfg file and reconfiguring the process scheduler file - problem resolved. This parameter is used only when a Remote Call is made to a COBOL program from AE... for normal COBOL SQL programs, this parameter is not necessary.

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