Friday, November 23, 2007

Compare Reports

PeopleSoft Compare Reports:

  • The compare reports are critical tools for the Fit/Gap analysis and determining the effort to re-apply/re-develop customizations.
  • The PeopleSoft Compare Reports provide a comparison of PeopleSoft delivered functionality (vanilla) at the new release level to a client’s copy of production.
  • The compare process is executed to identify the object and system data differences between current production and new release levels.
  • The purpose of the compare report is to identify which customizations, objects and system data to upgrade to the new release level.
  • The technical team will run the compare process and involve the client/functional team in the analysis to make the appropriate business decisions.
  • When you review the compare reports always look at the following combinations and take the appropriate action.






Keep Target



Copy and re-apply customization



Keep Target

All other


Generating and reviewing the compare reports valuable insight to the level of customization.

Approach to Compare Report Analysis and Customization:

In a typical upgrade, the following approaches are taken to re-applying customizations:
  • Customizations are carried forward where no PeopleSoft conflict exists. These customizations will require careful testing to ensure proper results.
  • Customizations where PeopleSoft conflicts exist will be replaced by delivered PeopleSoft objects. If it is determined that these customizations are required in the new release they will need to be reapplied and tested to ensure proper results.
  • Most client PeopleCode modifications are typically replaced where PeopleSoft conflicts exist. This is done to ensure the integrity of the new release and requires that any client modification will need to be reapplied manually.
  • Currently there is no delivered PeopleSoft process for comparing Message Definitions, SQR, SQC, and Crystal Reports. Modifications to these delivered PeopleSoft components will need to be manually identified and included in the upgrade process.
  • Customizations to components of Process Scheduler (Process Types, Process Definitions) will be identified through the compare process and included in the upgrade process.
  • Custom indexes for performance reasons will be evaluated during the upgrade process to determine appropriateness of the index in light of key structure and data distribution changes. All effort will be focused on ensuring no performance degradation.
  • Modifications required for external interfaces will be identified through the analysis and design process included in the upgrade project.


Paula Smith said...


I recently came across in a compare report, where the attribute was licensecode. I have an educated guess on what this means, but would like some validation.


naresh said...


It’ very nice but you wont specified at the time of comparing on witch basis it’s sets the flags (*changed, unchaged,….etc) is there any tables are their for finding the particular object is delivered from PeopleSoft or customized by customer
Is it compares between any content of table like ( last updated by ppt…. or last updated by customer (with name)
Could you plz help on this


Rakesh Parwal said...

Hi Naresh,

Here is the description for your query:
* -> means customized
non * -> means PeopleSoft Delivered

Here is an example to explain it clearly:
- Suppose you have a project PRJ_01 in your DEV environment.

- You want to migrate PRJ_01 from DEV to TST environment.
- Before Migrating the project you do a Compare & Report between DEV and TST evnironment for this project
- Now Login to your DEV env.
- In Compare & Report, set the option for Target Orientation as "Keep Customization"
- DEV is your SOURCE env.
- TST is your TARGET env.
Now execute the report...
You need to interprate the report by looking at the source and target column for below values:

*Changed -> means a customization has been changed by the developer.

*Unchanged -> means a customization has not been changed by the developer.

Changed -> means PeopleSoft delivered object has got some changed not by the developer but by PeopleSoft itself.

Unchanged -> means No changes in PeopleSoft Delivered object.

Absent -> means the object is absent.

Looking into these values under SOURCE and TARGET coulumn for any object you can decide how to move the project:
Source-> *changed
Target-> Unchanged
Action-> Copy the object

Source-> *changed
Target-> Changed
Action-> Keep Target & Apply the customization manually

Source -> *Changed
Target -> Absent
Action -> Copy the object

Important: you can try and see the result by setting up the Target Orientation as Keep Vanilla and compare both the compare report... I understand doing it this way is so helpful in understanding a compare report and it's options and I recommend you for the same (before doing any migration do a good analysis of your compare reports)

Hope I helped you a little bit.

fire again if needed...


N@RE$H said...

what about the case
source target
changed *unchanged

confused_soul said...

how can we find only pure customized objects

Pawankishore Reddy said...

Hi Rakesh,
I have a doubt in *Unchanged. As you said (*Unchanged - means a customization has not been changed by the developer). A customization has to be done either by a Developer or by Peoplesoft. So if its not changed by the developer then it must have been changed by peoplesoft and if it changed by peoplesoft then it should have been indicating as CHANGED and not *Unchanged. Am i right?? Please correct me i am a bit confused

*Unchanged - means a customization has not been changed by the developer.

Changed - means PeopleSoft delivered object has got some changed not by the developer but by PeopleSoft itself.

Rakesh Parwal said...

Hi Pawoo, You look right about *unchanged... I can't recall any incident where I've seen a *unchanged in any of my compare reports so far. *unchanged, however, means a customization that has not been changed by the developer since last customization (quite confusing) - Some reader may throw some light on it.

To Naresh:
I've not encountered with below scenerio yet... but in such scenerio, one must copy the object and re-apply the customization.

source target
changed *unchanged

- Rakesh...

Ayan said...

*unchanged is simply an object where the customer has modified a Peoplesoft delivered unchanged object.

*changed is an object where the customer has modified a Peoplesoft delivered changed object.

Description for changed and unchanged object has been already provided in the thread above. But the explanation for *unchanged was not correct.

Rakesh Parwal said...

Here is some more clarity on the topic - specially on unchanged, *unchanged...

Compare results are always with reference to the release label/date that we choose at the time of compare. unchanged/*unchanged objects are also changed objects --- but the change on these objects is made before the release date/time (the option we select during compare). PSRELEASE table has columns to store the release label and date whioch is used during the compare. Whereas changed/*changed refer to the changes which are made after release date/time.

Since unchanged/*unchanged objects are also changed objects, thats why unchanged/*unchanged are not equivalent to same/same.

This has been explained in details in PeopleBooks -

Unknown said...

interesting discussion, i am new to peoplesoft

what i know is
there are two table

change-- modified by PeopleSoft itself after prodcut release


unchange-- modified by peoplesoft but before product release


*change --modification is done by developer other than peoplesoft after product release


*unchange-- modification done by developer before product release


DEV is your SOURCE env.
- TST is your TARGET env.
if u watch output after compare report , we see output like
source target
--------- --------
change *change

so how they compare internally ???

how " change " came in source and same as target environment ??

i think it compare the source(DEV) PSRELEASE TABLE WITH PSRECDEFN
and its output is "Change"

and in target (TST) compare PSRELEASE WITH PSRECDEFN and output is " *change"

is this correct ?????

plz help me............

ARJ said...


As part of a PeopleTools upgrade from 8.54 to 8.56, what kind of compare reports(between what environments) need to be run to get hold of customizations.


spicysals said...

ARJ, did you find an answer to your question? I'm curious to know what kind of compare needs to be run to get only the customization as well (instead of going thru each changed item). thanks

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