Friday, February 6, 2009

Change Assistant

Download this document - (.doc) or (.pdf)

Change Assistant Introduction
Change Assistant (CA) was first released in PeopleTools 8.44. Change Assistant (CA) automates many task for applying any bundle, maintenance pack etc. Some benefits of using CA are:
- CA can find out bundles/MPs that have already been applied to a PeopleSoft Database
- CA can figure out Bundles/MPs that need to be applied
- CA can download new bundles/MPs
- CA can determine pre-requisites and post-requisites
- CA can determine the order in which new Bundles/MPs are applied
- CA can migrate bundle/MP project automatically
- CA can generate and execute DDL scripts
- CA can execute Data Mover Scripts
- CA can deploy files such as SQR, COBOL etc to file servers

Environment Management Framework (EMF)
PeopleSoft Environment Management (PSEM) Framework enables CA know about the PeopleSoft installation, configuration, and update information. It is used to obtain the configuration and setup information about PeopleSoft environments (i.e., the files servers, the web servers, the application servers, the process scheduler servers and the individual hosts/machines).
CA uses EMF to apply updates to PeopleSoft installation and configurations by helping in carrying out commands remotely on different machines.
EMF has three core elements:
- Environment Management Agent (PSEM Agent): A Java executable. Only one instance of the agent can run at a given time per physical machine. PSEM Agents are setup on each of the servers. Each PSEM Agent initiates communication to the hub (PSEMHUB) and is assigned a unique peer ID.
- Environment Management Hub (PSEMHUB): A web application that is installed at the time of PIA installation and resides at web server machine. It is started automatically at the time web server is booted up. This hub acts as a broker for all communication between peers. It gathers and reports on the environment information sent to it by PSEM Agents.
- Environment Management Viewer (PSEM Viewer): A command line tool that helps users view data that is retrieved from the PSEMHUB.
Before using Change Assistant (CA) for applying bundles/MPs, EMF should be configured and PSEMAgent should be started up on all the servers.

Change Assistant Validation
Make sure the HUB is up and running before starting EMAgents. Before starting the PSEMAgents – complete tasks below:
Web Server Specific: Delete the following directories:
Except data.txt, delete other files from directory $PS_HOME\webserv\peoplesoft\applications\peoplesoft\PSEMHUB\envmetadata\data

Agent Specific: Delete the following directories on Linux machine:

$PS_HOME\PSEMAgent\envmetadata\transactions (If it exists)
Except matcher.xml, delete other files from directory $PS_HOME\PSEMAgent\envmetadata\data

Viewer Specific: Delete the following directories on Linux and NT machines:
$PS_HOME\PSEMViewer\envmetadata\transactions (If it exists)

Change Assistant Specific: Delete the following directories on the machine where Change Assistant being setup:
$PS_HOME\PSEMAgent\envmetadata\transactions (If it exists)
Except matchers.xml, delete other files from directory $PS_HOME\PSEMAgent\envmetadata\data

Now start the PSEMAgent on each of the Application Server and Process Scheduler machines, which includes Linux as well as Windows machines.

Make sure EMAgents are running before using Change Assistant to validate the Environment Management Hub (PSEMHUB)

Change Assistant Setup
To start with, identify an environment that will act as a PSEMHUB.

Configure PSEHMHUB
To start with, identify an environment that will act as a PSEMHUB. In case of a single server configuration for PIA, the PSEMHUB is started whenever we start PIA… and uses the same http post as the PIA.
Let’s say if the PIA URL is:
http://ws1_ip:9081/site/signon.html, the hubURL will be http://ws1_ip:9081/PSEMHUB/hub (Format of hubURL is: http://[server_name]:[port]/PSEMHub/hub )

To configure PSEMHUB:

- Go to below directory (of web server machine) $PS_HOME/webserv/DOMAIN_NAME/applications/peoplesoft/PSEMHUB/envmetadata/config

- Edit “” for hubURL, agentport (must be unique) and windowsdrivestocrawl or unixdrivestocrawl.

Configure PSEM Agent
To configure PSEM Agent:
- Go to $PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/envmetadata/config
- Edit “” for hubURL, agentport (must be unique) and windowsdrivestocrawl or unixdrivestocrawl.

Once PSEM Agent is configured, start the PSEM Agents in App Server machine, Process Scheduler Server machine, File Server machine, NT machine where CA is configured:
$PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/ (in Unix) $PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/StartAgent.cmd (in Windows)

For the first time, start the PSEMAgent with recrawl command - so that it crawls the drives to identify the environment components (all servers):
$ $PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/ recrawl (in Unix)
$PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/StartAgent.cmd recrawl (in Windows)

After recrawl is done, start PSEMAgent normally.
$ $PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/ recrawl (in Unix)
$PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/StartAgent.cmd recrawl (in Windows)

Before doing so, you may want to modify the file in unix using nohup command - so that EM Agent keeps running even if we exit from unix box… To modify the, open it in vi editor and update the last line as:

nohup ../jre/bin/java $1 &

Save and exit.
Execute $./

Setup Change Assistance
Now, that we have done with the configuration of PSEMHUB and PSEM Agent – next step would be to setup Change Assistance.

Open the Change Assistance, and go to Tools -> Options:
- Select “Apply Application Update” as Change Assistant Mode
- Download directory is where we have downloaded the bundle or MP zip files
- Staging directory is the one which CA will use as a stage - it will extract zip files from Download directory to Staging Location and will use contents in this directory for processing
- Output directory is the one where CA will keep all the output files generated during implementation of a bundle or MP

Go to Tools -> Options -> Environment Management Tab:
- Server Host: enter the IP address of PSEMHUB machine
- Server Port: enter the Port Number at which PSEMHUB is configured
- Click Ping to check the connection
- Click View to see the Environment Management Hub Summary – it shows all the environments name and availability of their server components.
Go to Tools -> Scan Configuration:
Go to Tools -> validate:

Apply Change Packages (Bundles or MPs)

Go to Tools -> Apply Change Package:
- Next screen will show the installed environment found
- Select the target environment here
- Going ahead CA will ask for entering User ID (PeopleSoft User) and Access ID, Apply Directory (Download directory) etc.
- CA will show the list of all the change packages available at the above mentioned download directory as illustrated below
- Next, CA asks for the method to apply DB Build Scripts – I choose Manually option
- Next, CA shows the confirm selection screen where it summarizes to be applied MP or Bundle details
- Click Validate now
- Click Begin Apply

In Progress…

Next screen appears and I start applying the MP or Bundles now.


GUID uniquely identifies a database… PSOPTIONS tables stores value for GUID that is set the first time we start an Application Server… If our target database is refreshed by some source database, GUID would need to be reset… We would need to delete the existing value for GUID to blank in PSOPTIONS table – so that new value can be setup for the target database while booting the App Server for the first time.
Download this document - (.doc) or (.pdf)


Anonymous said...

Really great work, consolidating everything that you need to fix your CA error.
This will help many when they will google for CA errors.

VenkatPusarla said...

Am in middle of configuring Change Assistant Tool, Could you please guide me if am doing in correct way.

For our DEMO instance,
And File server is both on NT and UNIXBOXES.

So do i need to configure - file from all of the below?

Navigate to - /psoft/HDMO/webserv/haix/applications/peoplesoft/PSEMHUB/envmetadata/config

Navigate to - /psoft/HDMO/PSEMAgent/envmetadata/config

Navigate to - /psoft/HDMO/PSEMViewer/envmetadata/config

Navigate to - /psoft/hr800aix/PSEMAgent/envmetadata/config

Navigate to - /psoft/hr800aix/PSEMViewer/envmetadata/config

NT Server:
Navigate to - \PSHOME\PSEMAgent\envmetadata\config

Rakesh Parwal said...

Yes Venkat... you r doing right thing... however, you may wish not to configure PSEMViewer. There is one more place where you need to configure it - C:\change assistant\...\config

VenkatPusarla said...

Rakesh,Thanks so much.

VenkatPusarla said...

I have configured the file and started PSAgent from NT server.
And i have following issues.
Could you please tell me from below what could be the problem?

INFO main EMF_CATEGORY - search-results.xml not found. Proceeding with crawli
INFO main EMF_CATEGORY - Proceeding with matching for prcsserver
INFO main EMF_CATEGORY - Proceeding with matching for CLIENT
INFO main EMF_CATEGORY - Proceeding with matching for Host
INFO main EMF_CATEGORY - Diff: Hours 0 Minutes 4 Seconds -22

Sending pulse from 'com.peoplesoft.emf.peer:id=5'

FATAL main EMF_CATEGORY - psae SFMAINT failed generating emf_psae.xml for mbe
Process Scheduler: path=z:/psoft/hr800aix,domain=HAIX,peerid=5,hotsname=hqws76

Calling sequence top to bottom

ERROR main EMF_CATEGORY - --level--1
General Error in XML doc generated by SFMAINT for mbean Process Scheduler: pa

Root Cause Error parsing file %1.

Suggestions: Check the existance of the configuration properties file and try
is operation again

Sending pulse from 'com.peoplesoft.emf.peer:id=5'
Sending pulse from 'com.peoplesoft.emf.peer:id=5'
Sending pulse from 'com.peoplesoft.emf.peer:id=5'
Sending pulse from 'com.peoplesoft.emf.peer:id=5'
Sending pulse from 'com.peoplesoft.emf.peer:id=5'
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Sending pulse from 'com.peoplesoft.emf.peer:id=5'
Sending pulse from 'com.peoplesoft.emf.peer:id=5'
Sending pulse from 'com.peoplesoft.emf.peer:id=5'
Terminate batch job (Y/N)? y

Below is my file

#hubURL= this is the host and port the agents talk to

#ping interval in milliseconds for the peer to contact the hub for new messages

#Windows directories need to use the forward slash ('/') character. For multiple directories, use a '|' character as separator

#The time interval in hours for the hub to issue a recrawl command to the agents

#The time interval in hours for the hub to issue a revalidate command to the agents

#Setting for large file transfer.default is 1024 * 1024 bytes

Waiting for your response.
Thank you.

Rakesh Parwal said...

Hi Venkat,

Not sure about exact resolution of the error, however I may suggest you to do a cleanup at webserver level, agent level and change assistant level as per the document attached in the blog. After that do a RECRAWL ($PS_HOME/PSEMAgent/StartAgent.cmd recrawl) before starting the agent.

A cause suggested by Oracle is that this is caused by the existence of an ampersand "&" in the PSRELEASE table. To resolve this, update the table PSRELEASE and replace the "&" with the word "and".

You may try both and see if it helps.


VenkatPusarla said...

Thank You very very very much.
It worked now. Rakesh, actually am not DBA and i do not work on servers and configurations stuff. Am just PeopleSoft TechnoFunctional consultant, and i have got oppurtunity to work on this CA at my client. So,with your help, i made it well. Thanks once again.

I have started HUB (from webserv), Agents from NT and two UNIX Servers and it went well.

Then i started configuring Change Assistant, performed all the steps as per your documentation.
I performed validation in CA Tool.
Tool > Validate.
and now i have 2 or 3 fails in validation.

(Step 2) Validating your SQL Query Tools
Failed. Did not find any SQL Query Tools
Please modify your Drive To Crawl (z:/psoft/hr800aix) in Change Assistant's Environment Management Hub settings

(Step 10) Validating connection to Update Gateway:
Error encountered connecting to Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented"

I don't know how to address the above two issues. Yours suggestions please...

Rakesh Parwal said...

Hi Venkat,

(Step 2) Validating your SQL Query Tools
Failed. Did not find any SQL Query Tools
Please modify your Drive To Crawl (z:/psoft/hr800aix) in Change Assistant's Environment Management Hub settings

Suggestion: This is because, your crawl directory (z:\psoft\hr800aix) for Change Assistant does not have any query tool (like sqlplus in case ur database is oracle). You need to modify your change assistant file and give the crawl lcation as z:\psoft\hr800aix | Drive:\Oracle

(Step 10) Validating connection to Update Gateway:
Error encountered connecting to Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented"
Suggestion: no problem... let this error be there.

VenkatPusarla said...

Thanks so much Rakesh, i will modify the file.
But for Step 10, where to modify to point the link to Metalink3, instead of

Rakesh Parwal said...

Hi Venkat, regarding error 10, I've not explored it yet since I never wanted to use it. I'll try if I can get something out it and will update here.

VenkatPusarla said...

I have validated CA configuration settings and everything is ok.
But when i tried to upload the environment (Tools > Upload Environment), it is asking for Proxy username and password.
What credentials i would need to provide here? When i ask my IT Network guys, they said we do not maintain Proxy servers. Am confused what to specify as username and password.
Any suggestions plz...

Unknown said...

I have change assistant setup. Validates fine. I am on Win2k3. I started with the first MP for HRCS (B42973-01) extracted and put it in download directory. I ran it. It stopped on a step for compiling COBOL. I had already compiled all the COBOL sucessfully when I did the initial install (Chapter12) using cblbld.bat. I didn't see any explicit instructions as to how to apply these new Cobol updates. Do I manually need to copy the files over? What are these BAT files in the next step (INASBL07_90.BAT,etc) and what do I do with them? What is fix 712535 and where do I get this? (I am a member of the OPN, but that website is very hard to find what you need, much like microsoft). All I get is a stop step with this note "Please download and apply fix 712535, from Customer Connection, before continuing with the Maintenance Pack installation. After applying the fix mark this step as complete and continue with the MP install. Not applying the fix will result in errors in later steps." I could not find this fix and yes, I got errors in the next steps (I am just pressing F7 to complete the step anyway and moving on). Will this break my system or leave it in a corrupt state?

This all seems very cryptic, ambiguous and vague. Has anyone successfully applied this MP?

The following MPs have delta and cummulative (except for the last, MP7 which just has delta). Does this mean I can run just MP6 cumulative and then MP7 delta and skip MP1 through MP5 due to this crappiness I am experiencing in MP1?

VenkatPusarla said...

Hi rsandoz,
Yes you can apply cumulative MP6 and you can apply delta MP7.


Rakesh Parwal said...

Hi rsandoz,

upon compilation, compiled cobols would automatically have gone to cblbin directory of your environment.

Regarding 712535 fix, you can download it from My Oracle Support portal. Yeah, it's slightly hard to use it but you can find it anyway... I just search for it in My Oracle Support -> Patches & Updates -> PeopleSoft -> new window opens -> Enter 712535 in Report Id and search... Your will see that this fix has been superceded by 713971. Try your luck now. And yes, if it has been instructed to apply this fix, you must apply it...

If there is no need specifically to apply MP1 only, then you should go for applying MP6 Cummulative and MP7 Delta. This is always a better approach to bring your system upto date. However, If your system is already live, making decision between two approaches (1) MP6 Cumulative + MP7 Delta or (2) MP1 + MP2 + MP3 + .... + MP7 (All Delta) may depend upon many other factors (like affordable downtime, amount of rework etc) plays a crucial role.


Kesav said...

Hi Rakesh,
I am just starting the CA setup. Here is our configurations.

Appserv, Webserv, Batch --> UNIX1
Appserv, Webserv, Batch --> UNIX2
Batch (master), File Serv --> NT

Do you think I can use Unix1 for Hub configuration and Unix2 & NT as Agents? Is, is there any special instruction in this environemtnts. I am not able to start the Hub. I could not find the startManagedWebLogic file to start the HUB (on Unix1). Can you elobarate more on this.


Rakesh Parwal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rakesh Parwal said...

Hi Kesav,

You can have your configuration like this:

Hub -> either UNIX1 or UNIX2
Start Agents -> UNIX1, UNIX2, NT

HUB would automatically have been started up at the time you started you webserver. Check your HUB URL http://ws1_ip:9081/PSEMHUB/hub

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the help.

I started down the path of MP6 Cum,MP7 Delta.

MP6 has 3 parts.

Part 1 completed successfully for the mostpart. I didn't see it in the instructions, I copied the files from:
and ran cblbld.

When I got to MP6_2, this is when problems started happening.

I found I had to remove the environment variable PS_SERVER_CFG or the step Build and Alter Task_1 would fail. When I tried to run it manually (launch app designer and build the project), it would show an error about options not being checked when they were. Removing the envornment variable fixed this.

Next, when I actually ran the script, I got a tablespace error on bnlarge not being big enough. I ran the SQL as sysdba:
ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE 'c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\HRCS\bnlarge.dbf' AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 5M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED;
And this fixed that.

Inside CA, the part where these SQL script are actually run seem to be configure to run with the logon 'people', this kicked back errors (not exist, not enough privilege, etc). I ran them manually with SYSADM and this seemed to work. This happened for 'Build and Alter Task_1.Run Recreate Tables Script' and 'Build and Alter Task_2.Run Alter Without Deletes'

Then I got to the step 'UPD701903_07_DMS' and from looking at the logs, the SQL seems to be bad:

ORA-00904: "A"."SCC_ROW_UPD_DTTM": invalid identifier

Did I miss a script that was supposed to create this column on this table?

Now from a higher level, I seemed to have passed a threshold of acceptable manual intervention and errors. Is there some document that better prepares me to run this MP6 and proactively not have all the intermediate errors? Am I missing something? I feel like I followed the install guide pretty closely as well as all the documentation, but from this it just seems like I am missing something.

Unknown said...

(Post Addendum) I checked into the SQL from the DMS I mentioned (upd701903_07.dms) and it seems to be inserting from one place into another. When I ran the select from the source data, I got no row, so I figure this script isn't doing anything anyway.

What I am more worried about is why this SQL is expecting the columns:
to be on this table when I find they are not. Did I miss some script somewhere that was supposed to alter this table?

Kesav said...

Thanks Rakesh!!

I was able to configure the Change Assistant. Do I need start PSEMViewer in all environmetns?

Rakesh Parwal said...

Hi Kesav,

I've not used PSEMViewer and I guess you may also choose not to use PSEMViewer. However, I am not sure if you need to start it in all the env or not... Any clues guys?

Unknown said...

I am getting an error during an MP6_3 DMS:
Execute File References.Execute DMS.AU763433_01_DMS fails,
SQL causes ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
AND EFFDT IN (TO_DATE('2008-07-01','YYYY-MM-DD')
AND EFFDT IN (TO_DATE('2008-07-01','YYYY-MM-DD')

Any ideas?
Is this some sort of low-level "Oracle version not compatible with NT bug"? Is there a patch I can download to fix Oracle?

Here is more relevant info:

Sun Oct 25 08:34:25 2009
Errors in file c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\rdbms\trace\hrcs_ora_3260.trc:
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [_evaopn2+153] [PC:0x1BBDFA9] [ADDR:0x0] [UNABLE_TO_READ] []

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
Windows NT Version V5.2 Service Pack 2

Kesav said...

We are on HCM 9.0, not applied any patches and don't have multi language products installed. Peoplesoft suggested to apply
MP6 (Cumulative)
MP7 (Delta)
Bundle #8 & #9

MP6 (Cumulative) is only available in Multiple Language. Do you think we can apply MP#6 over Non Multi Language product?

Hi rsandoz,
Did you applied MP6 (Cum) on Non Multi Language product?


Unknown said...

I didn't know that MP6 was multi-language only???

I went to

I selected "Peoplesoft Enterprise" and "Microsoft Windows (32-bit)" (not if selelcting this means anything since I see lots of Unix stuff anyway)

Next I went to "PeopleSoft Enterprise - Human Resources Management System and Campus Solutions 9.0 Media Pack" B35825-27

These are the products I downloaded and did my install from:
B34591-01 PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources Management System and Campus Solutions 9.0 (CD)

V14743-01 PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS and Campus Solutions 9.0 - Maintenance Pack 6
V15812-01 PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS and Campus Solutions 9.0 - Maintenance Pack 7
(Now there is an MP8 on there too V18483-01)

Inside MP6 there are two folders (Delta and Cumulative)

In the Cumulative foler are three zip files: (MP6_1) (MP6_2) (MP6_3)

I ran this though Change Assistant and just complete step 3 last night. I encountered several problems on various DMS scripts (some used a different login ID, some didn't have a path for the dat file, etc)

Kesav said...

I've downloaded the same for AIX UNIX. We have AIX (App Serv, Web and Batch Serv) and NT(Batch Serv). Which one should I use in this situation? MP6 has 3 folders (MP6_1), (MP6_2), (MP6_3). My network does not have Internet connection, so Change Assistant will not validate the patch.

I was looking at the "HCM Maintenance Pack Schedule for 2009" release calender which says -Bundle HRMS & Campus Solutions 9.0 Maintenance Pack #6 Multiple Language - Cumulative. I could not find the regular one.

Anybody throw some light on this?

Unknown said...

I am getting errors on several DMS scripts.
This does not make sense to me as I would expect that doing an install from the zips supplies be edelivery to work when doing everything vanilla.
Is there some sort of global setting I missed for dates, oracle SQL, etc?

Anyway, I am getting an error:
Started: Fri Oct 30 17:25:27 2009
Data Mover Release: 8.49
Database: HRCS (ENG)
Input file: C:\Staging\softwareupdateHC9_MP6_3{90f1cd14-b420-11de-af7a-9030097d4b49}\scripts\data\upd734295_15.dat (ENG)
Commit done at end of record
Importing CAN_NOC_TBL
SQL Error. Error Position: 0 Return: 8006 - Invalid datatype specified
Ended: Fri Oct 30 17:25:28 2009
Unsuccessful completion

This is on Step 3 of MP6 Cumulative, the DMS script, upd734295_15.dms.

Here is the script:
SET LOG upd734295_15.log;
SET INPUT C:\Staging\softwareupdateHC9_MP6_3{90f1cd14-b420-11de-af7a-9030097d4b49}\scripts\data\upd734295_15.dat;



Here is part of the .dat file:
A(0011),A(1900-01-01),A(A),A(Legislators),A(01),A(N),A( ),

I am not getting how this UPDATE statement is even generated and if there is any workaround to get this to go.

Another error I am getting:
SQL causes ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
Here is my workaround
Rewrite SQL in AU763433_01.DMS to not use 'OR' statement, but rather two separate SQL statements.
Open the file:
DELETE FROM PS_GPAU_SPT_RT_HDR WHERE (PAYROLL_STATE_AUS = 'SA' AND EFFDT IN (%datein('2008-07-01'),%datein('2009-07-01')))
OR (PAYROLL_STATE_AUS = 'NSW' AND EFFDT IN (%datein('2008-07-01'),%datein('2009-01-01')));

DELETE FROM PS_GPAU_SPT_FREQ WHERE (PAYROLL_STATE_AUS = 'SA' AND EFFDT IN (%datein('2008-07-01'),%datein('2009-07-01')))
OR (PAYROLL_STATE_AUS = 'NSW' AND EFFDT IN (%datein('2008-07-01'),%datein('2009-01-01')));

DELETE FROM PS_GPAU_SPT_SCHED WHERE (PAYROLL_STATE_AUS = 'SA' AND EFFDT IN (%datein('2008-07-01'),%datein('2009-07-01')))
OR (PAYROLL_STATE_AUS = 'NSW' AND EFFDT IN (%datein('2008-07-01'),%datein('2009-01-01')));
DELETE FROM PS_GPAU_SPT_RT_HDR WHERE (PAYROLL_STATE_AUS = 'SA' AND EFFDT IN (%datein('2008-07-01'),%datein('2009-07-01')));
DELETE FROM PS_GPAU_SPT_RT_HDR WHERE (PAYROLL_STATE_AUS = 'NSW' AND EFFDT IN (%datein('2008-07-01'),%datein('2009-01-01')));

DELETE FROM PS_GPAU_SPT_FREQ WHERE (PAYROLL_STATE_AUS = 'SA' AND EFFDT IN (%datein('2008-07-01'),%datein('2009-07-01')));
DELETE FROM PS_GPAU_SPT_FREQ WHERE (PAYROLL_STATE_AUS = 'NSW' AND EFFDT IN (%datein('2008-07-01'),%datein('2009-01-01')));

DELETE FROM PS_GPAU_SPT_SCHED WHERE (PAYROLL_STATE_AUS = 'SA' AND EFFDT IN (%datein('2008-07-01'),%datein('2009-07-01')));
DELETE FROM PS_GPAU_SPT_SCHED WHERE (PAYROLL_STATE_AUS = 'NSW' AND EFFDT IN (%datein('2008-07-01'),%datein('2009-01-01')));
Save, mark as 'Run' with F4, followed by the Stoplight to continue to 'Run' the update.
What doesn't make sense is that this is a complete vanilla install (no customization whatsoever).
Why am I even getting these errors?

Unknown said...

Hi Rakesh,
I found very effective results from ur blog so wana ask abt a problem at very initial stage of applying maintanance packs we have a fresh VM with HCM 9.0 now after successfuly starting all servers and PSEM Agent that is runing with peerid=1 and also editing files for both agent and viewer when i want to test HUB URL its showing that "Registered host summary 8.49" and table didnt conatin any contact but it has to show the agent entry that is currently running at peerid=4 but in ma case its empty table with a header just and when i go more and run getenvinfo.bat the resulted XML showing enteries like DB name GUID etc

Unknown said...

Thanks in advance will be waiting for ur quick reply

Shaheena Mushtaq

vijaya vegiraju said...

Hi Rakesh,

Could you please tell me , where to change the destination of sqr's that ftpd from change assistant. We want to override that /$PS_HOME/sqr path.

Please help me..


Aniket Srivastava said...

Awesome Blog!!!!!!!!
Thanks Rakesh !!! It's awesome post, I ever found!!!Keep the spirits high and kudos to you !!!

Gaurav Goyal said...

Hi Rakesh

I am using PT8.50.I have done all the configration and setup mention in a blog,BUt when i am trying to validate the configration in CA.It is giving error to me "(Step 5) Discovering Hub Environments.
Failed. No Environments were found in the Environment Management Hub.
Note: All agents should be running and sending pulses for all Application,
Batch, File and Web Servers for the environment before Change Assistant is started"
I have check in PSOPTIONS record for GUID.details are there.

Please tell me where i need to set the detils for environment

Unknown said...

Hey Rakesh,
Did u configure CA on PT8.50.07? I have set all parameters. Cleared cache. Regenerated GUID. To avoid all confusion I have set $HOME, $PS_CFG_HOME, $PS_HOME at same location. So my binaries & all config files are in usual location. All the agents are running. Hub URL is showing all correctly. But CA is not able to recognise the agents & telling "All agents should run before starting starting Change Assistant"

indra said...

Hi Rakesh,

I have an interest to know the process of tracing/debugging in change one word,for an activity i need to trace down the following.

1.each step that CA executes from starting to finishing
2.during the deployment which file is going which server etc.

can you please help.
thanks in advance.

Rakesh Parwal said...

@Neel, Sorry for late response...

2nd query first - The deployment happens as per following mapping:

scripts\scripts\MAINT --> PS_HOME/MAINT
scripts\scripts\DATA --> PS_HOME/data
scripts\scripts\SCRIPT --> PS_HOME/scripts
scripts\scripts\COBOL --> PS_HOME/src/cbl/base
scripts\scripts\CLASS --> PS_HOME/class
scripts\scripts\CLASSES --> PS_HOME/appserv/classes
scripts\scripts\SQR --> PS_HOME/sqr

Regarding the first, you can see the *_CA.log files in the output directory to see how CA executes each step.

Rakesh Parwal said...

@Anamika - Sorry for late reply. Try PING and VIEW from CA to see if you are able to ping and recognize any envirnment? Try scan configuration from CA as well.

jaheer said...

Hi Rakesh,

After applied MP6. While I am trying to apply MP7, change assistant detects the following message :'Additional Pre-requisites:
774232 (Download) (Required by: 786696. But I have applied 774233.

verified with db.

PPLSOFT HRMS 8.9 - Maintenance Pack 1 HRMS 584111
PS HRMS Campus Solutions 9 Maintenance Pack 6 Cumulative. (1of3) 774233

Gui said...


First, thanks for this documentation really useful, probably the best I found about PeopleSoft change assistant.

I get an error message when running change assistant on FINSCM 9.1 MP2 at steps "Deploy files" (all steps end with "green" status but do nothing in fact). It seems to be a java error message but I can't find the point. Here is the error message : ATTENTION: Exception caught in manifest does not exist manifest does not exist at at at at$ at Source)

Do you have an idea of what can cause this ?

Thank you in advance,

Jesse said...

Once you've done the upgrade, tax update, Maint Packs, etc. what files in what folder can you get rid of? Maint, Scripts, etc.

Arun said...

Hi I am getting the following error.
INFO main EMF_CATEGORY - Detected an install for appserver at /psapps/pt849/apps
erv/prcs/FBHCMDMO - unable to verify connecivity to a running database. Ignoring
this installation

Arun said...

My DB Appserver and Webserver are up

Arun said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Arun said...

Please help me out

SRAM said...

Hi Rakesh,

Thankyou for sharing all the knowledge.

I am applying MP2(CUMM) for HCM 9.1 on PeopleTools 8.50

My questions are

1. Is it mandatory to apply all the steps in a CA template in a sequence? Can we do all the manual tasks at the end after running the automated templates?

2. I have some confusion on Applying Country Extensions. I am not sure about our exisiting application as it was installed by another team, how do I decide what is required?

Thanks for all your time

Prasanth Bhaskaran said...

hi This document is super and gives the solution for most of the major issue..!! Thanks Rakesh

With Regards
Prasanth B

Ashish said...

Great work Mr Parwal. This docs really helped me solve my CA problem. Thanks for posting!!

Krish said...

Hi Rakesh,

i am facing below errors while configured and validated my change assistant peopletools 8.52

(Step 5) Discovering Hub Environments.
Failed. No Environments were found in the Environment Management Hub.
Note: All agents should be running and sending pulses for all Application,
Batch, File and Web Servers for the environment before Change Assistant is started

and at step 8

(Step 8) Validating connection to logon site:
Error encountered connecting to Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented"

and at step 10

(Step 10) Validating connection to Update Gateway:
Error encountered connecting to Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented"

Zubair Ali said...

Hi Rakesh,

I have built new envoironment for Peoplesoft now i want to install Commulative Maintenace pack so my envoironment is up todate, please tell me where i can download commulaitve maintennace pack as edelivery only providing MPs and Feature Pack, while on oracle support i can found bundles only.


Zubair Ali

Zubair Ali said...

Hi Rakesh,

I have built new envoironment for Peoplesoft now i want to install Commulative Maintenace pack so my envoironment is up todate, please tell me where i can download commulaitve maintennace pack as edelivery only providing MPs and Feature Pack, while on oracle support i can found bundles only.


Zubair Ali

Zubair Ali said...

Hi Rakesh,

I have built new envoironment for Peoplesoft now i want to install Commulative Maintenace pack so my envoironment is up todate, please tell me where i can download commulaitve maintennace pack as edelivery only providing MPs and Feature Pack, while on oracle support i can found bundles only.


Zubair Ali

Chocku said...

Hi Rakesh,

While trying to Apply Change Packages, it is listing out the environment twice in the environment list. Could you please tell me how to remove the duplicate one, and how to find the correct one?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Kaliga'sKitchen said...

I have validated CA configuration settings and everything is ok.
But when i tried to upload the environment (Tools > Upload Environment), it is asking for Proxy username and password.
What credentials i would need to provide here? When i ask my IT Network guys, they said we do not maintain Proxy servers. Am confused what to specify as username and password.
Any suggestions plz...

Unknown said...

Hi Rakesh,

I am new to Change Assistant. Can you send me some documentation on how to configure Change Assistant.

Also, I am facing an issue where Change Assistant is not able to transfer files on Linux server. How to resolve this issue ?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi Vishesh,

Can you please let us know, how you configured the CA. Please share your Conf file is possible.

Small suggestion. if you trying move files automatically to Unix with CA help. Make sure you have started the CA agent in Unix along with Windows server.


Unknown said...

Hi Rakesh,

I am running into an issue where my PSEMagent is not fully connecting to the EMHub. It looks like the Agent is only partially connecting to the database since the Viewer shows the Database GUID but no other parameters from the PSOPTIONS table is coming thru.

This is what output from my Agent crawling:

ERROR main EMF_CATEGORY - error creating emf_psae.bat or .sh to execute app engine program SFMAINT u
sing psae. Check permissions.
INFO main EMF_CATEGORY - Detected an install for appserver at e:/psoft/fscop/appserv/prcs/FSCOP - un
able to verify connecivity to a running database. Ignoring this installation
Calling sequence top to bottom
INFO main EMF_CATEGORY - Root Cause Error creating emf_psae.bat or .sh to execute app engine program
SFMAINT using e:/psoft/fscop/bin/server/winx86/psae.exe.
Suggestions: Check permissions to write file envmetadata/data/emf_psae_SFMAINT.bat

I know it says that there is a permissions issue writing the emf_psae_SFMAINT.bat file but the file does get generated to the envmetadata/data directory.

Have you seen this issue before?


Environment details:
Windows 2008 sp2
Ptools 8.52.12
Fin 9.1

Unknown said...

This was really very helpfull.Thnaks for the post.

Unknown said...


We are applying selected tax update patches for 2018-19 for India.

We are on 9.2 (Image 13), while applying merged patch we are getting error in upgrade merged package that there are four elements in error status (170005, 2075), and upgrade failed.
Before this step, was a compare step which also failed. But as per Oracle support document we can ignore that.
How this can be resolved ?

Appsian said...

Thank you for sharing your blog, seems to be useful information can’t wait to dig deep!

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